I don't buy big ticket items. I don't spend a lot of money.
I love a new pair of shoes and on occasion I go out and buy them. And it makes me happy. I am all for a little retail therapy when needed.
However, on a given week, I spend money on groceries, and honestly that makes me happy too.
When we moved I decided that the ugly couches were not coming with us. After seven years of staring at them wondering when they could go away- I sold them, and they went away.
I ordered a new set online and I have been waiting, and waiting. They were delayed almost a month, so for the past four months our living room has had a swing and a jumper in it and that is it.
But today, they arrived. I am excited. I am ecstatic. They are here and I love them! The four month wait only adds to my joy of their arrival.
They are nice, modern and clean, grown up, and microfiber (so I can wipe clean). I made a decision (not easy for me to do, a couch is a big commitment) and the payoff was big. I love them.
Now I need throw pillows and a rug, but I will bask in the glory of my new furniture for today.
Yippee!!! Can't wait to see them!